
Don't be a Suckup!

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

Suck ups

Everyone knows a suck-up. They say and do things to ingratiate themselves with others. Their actions are disingenuous and annoying.

If you feel like you might be a suck-up, stop it.


Anti suck up alliance.

See This Guy? Total suckup


Look at this guy.. suckup

Our worker bees

I don't know these people. They probably have a million youtube subs.. as if that's a thing.  Anyway.. what a bunch of suckups.

Sally Token

HR and Staff Counselor

Sally says this company is a stupid joke and that none of these people are real. She says that dogs don't wear suits and that putting a sock over their head is really funny but totally mean.

Mega Boss Man

Mega Boss Man

No one knows his name. He's never in the office but he sends photos of himself making very important business calls and posts youtube videos of baby chickens and unboxing phones.

Joe Diamond Hands

Investment Manager

Joe HODLS and eats 2 minute noodles every day. He says that money isn't real and buys shares in companies just to "get the man" We salute you Joe but we wish you would shower.

Make the world a better place

Don't be a suckup